It has been very exciting to start using the newly designed £20 money tracts at Heathrow airport. I am about to catch a flight to Nepal to commence a strategic 4 day mission before heading over to Delhi for a further strategic 4 day mission.
The new tract notes look so much more realistic than the older ones, and I have simply been leaving them everywhere, in the security trays for the security guards, dropping them on the floor, unravelling the toilet roles in the toilets and tucking one in there for someone to find, on bookshelves in WHSmiths and any other duty free shop for that matter, and leaving them on the gate waiting seats. It is always such a treat to watch a person as I look back in the distance to see them reading my tract. It is almost as good me speaking the message into their lives. Instead it is going into their lives by reading it. I have already dropped hundreds if tracts and the mission has not even started. I could not have as many conversations with people in such a short period of time if I tried!!!!!
It was good though to have a lovely chat with the lady at the Money Exchange that was able to change some money into the local currencies that I need. I was able able to give her a book at the end of the conversation and I do hope that it makes an impact. I had also give one to the lady that issued my ticket at the check-in. Although to be fair, I don’t think she seemed at all interested. Any how, what do I know. God works in mysterious ways, and I may have completely misjudged the situation. What I do know is that my job is just to share the message in the most faithful way that I can, whether or not I think it went well or not!
I am very much looking forward to getting to Nepal to preach the Gospel. This is quite a special trip as the key person in Nepal that has organised everything, Karna Lal Pandey was led to Christ many years ago by Michael Wright, who is the same man that led me to Christ in Nicosia Central Prison many years ago. Karna has been very industrious and already set up a base for Avanti Ministries in Kathmandu. Robert Quay from Avanti Asia Pacific has played a key role in supporting and mentoring Karna through the planning and development of the whole project having already visited Karna in Nepal to prepare the way. Please pray that the Lord Jesus saves many lost souls as a result of this trip and even despite this trip, for we just want to see souls won!!!!!
God bless you.
Tony Anthony