Salvatore and I have been serving for the last two days alongside Pastor Cataldo Petrone who heads up a wide reaching National Television Ministry that broadcast across Italy, called PAROLE DI VITA ( Their broadcasting coverage is able to reach 35 million viewers across the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week. This fruitful ministry is based in Silla de Sassano, which is a small town in the province of Salerno in the Campania region of south-western Italy, with a population of a little over 5000 inhabitants.
PAROLE DI VITA were able to record and broadcast a live feed to the nation the last two evenings, and it is estimated that over 2 million viewers would have tuned in.
It was very exciting for the team to receive emails and text message feedback from the general public that had just seen the program. One Pastor was in touch with the studio to say that 60 members from his local church had contacted him to say that they had seen the program and were impacted by the Gospel message.
The sermons that were recorded will be repeated at a future date and also broadcast across radio and the internet, so please pray that even more people will get to hear the Gospel.
Pastor Cataldo Petrone has also continued to make a huge impact on the nation by distributing the word of God using hundreds of thousands of Calendars produced in association with Words of Life. This tool is distributed in a pocket-sized booklet for evangelization; initially was conceived with the idea to distribute it in offices, professional offices, but since then it soon became a great tool for churches, missions, prisons, hospitals, or simply Christians who want to give it away.
Please continue to pray for this vibrant ministry, and for the partnership that has been established for future missions across the nation. There is a particular need for workers to come alongside this ministry, so please pray that God raises the right people willing to serve here.
Please pray that all 61,070,224 inhabitants of Italy can have the opportunity to hear the Gospel message.